3 Easy Ways to Cut Back on Sugar!

Did you know the average American consumes a whopping 160 pounds of refined sugar annually?

That’s a considerable shift from just two centuries ago when we only used about 20 pounds per person each year.

It’s time to address this sugar overload for the sake of our health.

Step 1: Ditch the Sugary Drinks
Start by eliminating sodas and other sugary beverages from your daily routine. Be vigilant—this includes seemingly innocent drinks like sweet tea and fancy coffee concoctions. Check labels to understand the sugar content, then make the switch to water, cold pressed juice, and herbal tea. It might be a challenge initially, but the long-term benefits are worth it.

Step 2: Say Goodbye to Sugar-Laden Treats
Say goodbye to your favorite sugary indulgences. Opt for a bowl of oatmeal or quinoa flakes instead of sweet cereals. Skip the muffins, cakes, cookies, and candies. Choose fresh fruits or veggies as a healthier alternative. Explore and Train your taste buds to savor real, whole foods.

Step 3: Embrace Real Food
Watch out for added sugars lurking in convenience foods, especially those labeled low fat, fat-free, or gluten-free. These often compensate for reduced fat with extra sugar and salt. Stick to real, single-ingredient foods, and cook your meals from scratch. Taking control of what goes into your food, including sugar, ensures a healthier diet.

Remember, these small changes can make a significant impact on your overall well-being. Your journey to a healthier lifestyle begins with these simple yet powerful steps.

#RawthenticLiving #SugarFreeLiving #HealthyChoices

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